Robin L. Schwarz
Creative Writer
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INFORMATION SUBMITTED to Robin from a customer written on the back of a napkin . . . 
Quiet man John Michael Smith, mild manner, loving father to children, fishing ocean or sea, feels next to God, loving father to Toby, Tara, Terry. Always picks them up dust them off and helps them out in life with unconditional love. Loves his Cadillac, loves his work, works too much. Favorite food: Spaghetti and wine, wants to make life good for his children an family. Always runs out of gas in his car, wears glasses on the end of his nose (coke bottles), Lives in Las Vegas but travels to Grand Pass unless he runs out of gas.

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POEM WRITTEN from information on the napkin . . . 

A child is born from the love of a man,
he takes care of them the best that he can.

Each so different and he loves them all the same,
Toby, Tara and Terry he chose for their special names.

He's always been there to dust them off,
or gets the spoon and medicine for their coughs.

Only a few moments taken for himself,
he removes his fishing pole from the dusty shelf.

A closeness to God when he is out on the Sea,
this is where he imagines he'd really like to be.

An easy man to bring pleasure and always please,
just bring some wine, spaghetti and hold the cheese.

A generous man and the love that he gives,
he only asks for his Cadillac, more work and love from his kids.

He looks through his glasses with his mild manner and quiet tone,
unfortunately most of his time is spent on the phone.

A journey from the City of Lights to Grants Pass,
we always pray, "please don't let him run out of gas!"

For Father's Day we give you these written words as our Gift,
and thank you for the many times, you have given us a lift!

The Kids
“The Ole Blue Dog” 

The teary-eyed Rancher held her as she gave her last breath,
    he loved that mean ole blue dog, even to her death.
All the pups lay still except one big blue,
    looked just like his mother, that the rancher knew.
That blue healer grew and soon learned what to do,
    the rundown ranch could not afford to pay a working crew.
Each day he’d whistle and throw him in the truck,
    getting all the work done would certainly take some luck.
Blue loved two things and one was his old red ball,
    he’d chase it for hours, down the long barn hall.
The rancher shook his head, no time to throw the ball today,
    the cows had to be fed and it was time to get the hay.
Summer turned to winter and then a chilling cold,
    it was time for all the grown cattle to be sold.
Out came the saddle, the horse and his winter coat,
    trying to beat the weather was their only hope.
They gathered the cattle working as a team,
    herding them across the meadow and the icy stream.
A blizzard hit and the old rancher was trapped,
    a safe way to home was not on the map.
The blue dog looked up and sensed the old man’s fear,
    he knew help for his old friend wasn’t near.
With a raging storm and the frozen breeze,
    the rancher and cows were sure to freeze.
The rancher grabbed Blue tightly holding him by his head,
   "You go get help now Blue, go get rancher Ted!"
A test of courage that blue dog would have to prove,
    with a sign from the man, he was off in one quick move.
The trees and mountains looked the same white,
    the chill set in his bones and started to bite.
Blue‘s tired and frozen legs started to give out,
    he was soon to find out what death was all about.
His ears were frosted and his eyes not too clear,
    he thought he smelled smoke, and it seemed very near.
With his last bit of strength he gave one painful crawl,
    Blue suddenly remembered the man throwing the old red ball.
Remembering that ole man and the love in his voice,
    he had to get help, he had no other choice.
With every last effort he climbed to the porch,
    the door suddenly opened, the warm fire felt like a torch.
The neighbor looked down and knew the dog needed help now,
    he later learned that Ole Blue had saved every last cow.
Well Blue thawed out and was the hero in town,
    a reporter came out and wrote the whole story down.
With a wrinkled smile the ole rancher opened the truck door,
    and with a big leap, the blue dog took his place once more.
Headed for town, not taking time to clean a stall,
    the old man entered the store, and purchased a brand new red ball.